Praying the rosary like going hiking. You walk for a long time and see much of the same things such as trees, bushes, maybe some hills. After walking on and on, you suddenly come to a clearing and see the most spectacular view and you see all of your walking was finally worth it. ...
The Rosary | The Sorrowful Mysteries The Rosary is one of the most beautiful prayers in the Catholic tradition. It's also one of the most commonly misunderstood, which is often the case for many of our Protestant brothers and sisters. Yet, it doesn't have to be. Put simply, the Rosary...
Join us in daily Communion, Eucharistic Adoration, praying the rosary and fasting for God's Mercy Whatever you do, don’t miss this opportunity to learn the truth about the key issues of your Catholic faith that impact your life, family, society, and eternity. Come to the North Texas Cath...
Tuesday: Rosary/communion service, 9 a.m.; penny ante, 10 a.m.;“Name That Tune,”2 p.m. Wednesday: Rosary/communion service, 9 a.m.; Hedbanz game, 10 a.m.; jokereno, 2 p.m. Thursday: Rosary/communion service, 9 a.m.; leap year time capsule, 10 ...
One of them, bound and determined to achieve his wicked end, wrote a special sermon against the Rosary and planned to give it the following Sunday. But when it came time for the sermon he never appeared… He was found dead… After convincing himself that death had been due to natural ...
The Croat hung a rosary around her neck before serving for the match then crossed herself in the Roman Catholic tradition after sealing victory. “When I took the medical timeout, I wasn’t really sure how I was feeling,” she said. “I felt in that moment only God can help me. It ...
A Panachyda Service will be held Thursday at 7 PM. Flowers gratefully declined. If so desired, donations may be made to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church or Hospice Buffalo, Inc. Please share condolences online at Norman Charles Gibbon - Of Grand Island, ...
玫瑰月,是圣教会献给圣母玛利亚的月份,为每年10月。基督徒会诵念《玫瑰经》,并效法圣母的德行和请求代祷,教导我们信从及依靠耶稣基督。【转自 2016-10-01 天主教中文网 微信平台】 目录Index第1天:玫瑰经圣月的来歷 第2天:玫瑰经的来歷及意义 第3天:唸玫瑰经的好处之一 第4天:唸玫瑰经的好处之二 第5天...
玫瑰经圣月原是教宗良第十三,在1883年颁布的通令。规定阳历十月为“玫瑰经圣月”,命令天下教友,每日在明供圣体之下,公念《玫瑰经》十五端,加念《圣母祷文》一遍,《求圣若瑟垂佑诵》一遍。后来又于圣母祷文加入了“至圣玫瑰之后,为我等祈。” 教宗良十三颁布这个通谕的用意,是由于当时异端邪说风起,教会的敌人...
Visitation was held on Thursday, November 19, 2020 from 6 until 8 p.m. in the J.E. Keever Mortuary Chapel of Ennis with Rosary at 7 p.m. Mass of the Christian Burial was held on Friday, November 20, 2020 at 10 a.m. in the St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church of Ennis with ...