February - 2025 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 232425262728 March - 2025 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. ...
25And I am become a reproach unto them; [when] they look upon me they shake their heads.
So easy to use I like how easy it is to add prayers and then to add a verse, a time to pray for that request, organize. The only things I hope they add to future editions are: - more Bible translations to use other than KJV ...
Bible Thoughts Daily is the best free app for daily Bible verses, devotions, and as your personal Bible reference tool. Every day we enjoy bringing you a new important Bible verse, along with devotion written by our own writers and a new beautiful image to brighten your day. Bible Thoughts...
Hanukkah – It’s not one of Yehovah’s appointed holy days, not the Jewish Christmas, not even the biggest celebration on the Hebrew calendar. Sometimes referred to as the “Festival of Lights” or the “Feast of Dedication,” it is mentioned in the Bible as being observed in Yeshua’s...
THANKS to those who have helped us by giving money as part of a class or giving as a family. It all goes to the same goal of filling and sending 450 shoeboxes for boys 10-14 years old this fall. We have to start making our purchases early in the calendar year to get what we nee...
Interests:Bible software, photography, technology, Theology, weather Accordance Version:14.x Platforms:macOS Windows iOS PostedApril 8, 2023 Great! I’ll get this one on my list to ensure it’s noted. Donald Cobb Active Members 1k Gender:Male ...
87,777 days from the nation’s founding on the eve of the last day of the first month on the Hebrew calendar of year 5777. This Halloween fell 18,044 days from Jerusalem in the year where the Jubilee Super Bowl fell 17,777 days from Jerusalem. Halloween 2016 is 267 days from the ...
-Personalized Tools: Stay on track with daily reminders, a progress calendar, and beautiful Bible verse widgets for your homescreen. Grow in faith at your own pace, with tools designed to keep you inspired every day. Go Premium for Full Access: ...
You can also consult the gospels of past and future days through the calendar. ** Check out the most popular prayers. You can read or listen to them (voice reading) in your preferred language. ** Masses with songs. By default, in different liturgies, related mass songs can be heard. ...