SATURATED FAT Diet Guidelines and daily Allowance:The amount of saturated fat allowed varies in accordance with the calories kilojoules consumed, so it's a lot harder to work out. Don't worry though, don't panic, we have a free program that will work out your calorie requirements and satura...
Most people in the United States get at least as much protein as recommended by the National Academy of Medicine, the group that sets Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) used in government guidelines. Young and middle-aged men are especially unlikely to be low on protein. At ages 19 to 59...
In addition to creating DVs for all the vitamins and minerals people ingest, the FDA has also created DVs for the three essential macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fats. There are also DVs for specific subtypes of macronutrients. These DVs include: Total fat:The DV for total fat consum...