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Dailinessdoi:10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_100861Everyday Life ExperienceSpringer NetherlandsEncyclopedia of Quality of Life & Well Being Research
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In addition, the effect of inflation, which is used as a control variable, on income distribution is also found to be negative.Dogus University Journal / Dou niversitesi DergisiAYDIN, Atilla
In this study, it is aimed to identify the officials in the Library of Alexandria in the city and to clarify the fields of activity of these officials along with the importance of Alexandria in the Hellenistic period.Tarih ncelemeleri DergisiTEMZKAN, Meltem...
️教资科一法律法规8个“年龄”易错点汇总💚🩷闲不多说,直接上干货。看完拿下18分 ️考情✅1、教资科一法律法规只以单选方式呈现,一般会考察8-9道,跟文化素养占比相近,而文化素养就是大海捞针,不如准备法律法规,在单选中,这块稳了基本大局已定。✅2、法律法规近些年的考试难度呈略微上升趋势...
Nežinomi Römerių Dinastijos DailininkaiThe family of the noblemen Rmers is well known in Lithuania. The names of its most prominent representatives of the 19th and 20th century – the marshal of Vilnius Province and the burgomaster of Vilnius Mykolas Rmeris, and his namesake lawyer, ...
In this chapter, I am particularly interested in questioning what might be at stake in a discussion of such dailiness, and the ways in which Hou Hsiao-hsien engages with this his films. I do this not simply as a means of explicating Hou's own work, but most particularly to extrapolate ...