Daikin Sustainabilityand Innovation Center (DSIC) DSIC is where the future of HVAC technology comes to life – and where experts come together to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges. Through innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability, we can deliver solutions that...
Daikin Industries, Ltd. is a leading innovator and provider of advanced, high-quality air conditioning solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
Daikin Industries Ltd is a leading manufacturer of fluoro chemical products possessing unique properties demonstrating superior resistance to heat, chemicals, and weather while giving outstanding functionality in sliding, anti-stick, and water repellency
大金工业株式会社(日本语:ダイキン工業株式会社,英文:DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD.)是一家集空调、冷媒、压缩机的研发、生产、销售、售后服务为一体的企业,成立于1924年10月25日,总部位于大阪市北区梅田1-13-1大阪梅田双子塔南,社长及首席执行官为十河政则,经营范围包含空调、氟化工产品、油压机、电子系统、...
At Daikin, we apply next-gen solutions to modern-day air quality. Discover how we're revolutionizing indoor environments with comfort and sustainability.
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Daikin is a leading Air Conditioning (AC) company in Oman. Daikin provides Air Conditioning units with more than just heating and cooling; take control of your climate with our high quality and energy-efficient solutions for all buildings.
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