《苏沈良方》大黄散 (出《灵苑》) 治产后血晕,及伤折内损,妇人血症血瘕。 羊胫炭(烧赤酒淬十过五两) 大黄(小便浸七日,日一易,以湿纸裹煨切焙)巴豆肉(浆水煮黄色焙各三两半) 古铜钱(用半两钱烧赤米,醋淬为粉,新水飞过去粗取细者二两) 上和研一日,每服半钱,当归一分,小便煎浓,稍温调下,产后血...
惊风。 大黄散用量用法 上为末。猪胆汁调,贴囟。 大黄散方源 《幼幼新书》卷十引《惠眼观证》。
作者: HUANG Jinhai 摘要: [Objective] To observe the curative effect of Dahuang Baiji Sancao Zhixue decoction combined with western medicine on upper gastrointestinal bleeding(Piwei Jire).[Methods] 51 patients were randomly divided into two groups by the random parallel control method,which kept ...
1) Liuwei Dahuang San 六味大黄散 1. Methods:The 31 patients were treated with Mongolian medicine Liuwei Dahuang San,twice a day,3 g every time,for 2 weeks. 方法:选择我院诊治的药流后恶露不绝患者31例,用蒙药六味大黄散2次/日,3 g/每次,2周为1疗程。 2) TLC [英][,ti: el 'si:]...
复方大黄散 中文复方大黄散 英文【医】 Gregory's mixture; Gregory's powder; pulvis magnesiae cum rheo pulvis rhei compositus
大黄甘草散治疗小儿夜啼 药物:大黄、甘草以4:1配制。 用法:上药共研末,每天3次每次06克,用蜂蜜送服。更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ 疗效:次方治小儿夜啼属胃肠积滞者有效。
1)ShenLingBaiZhuSan and Dahuang参苓白术散加味 1.according to that causes,we choose ShenLingBaiZhuSan and Dahuang to treat the patients.我们用参苓白术散加味对腹部手术后的病人进行治疗,全方共凑益气健脾,、渗湿止泻、通肠逐瘀之效。 英文短句/例句 1.The Clinical Research of Shenlingbaizhusan and Da...