大丽花介绍:Dahlias,大丽花,是西方婚礼上非常常见的花~封面是牛奶咖啡Cafe au lait品种,用来做手棒花美翻了。花如其名,如牛奶咖啡般柔滑细腻的色调,和白色的婚纱是绝配,在6月到9月之间盛开别名:大理花、天竺牡丹、东洋菊、...
And ‘cafe au lait’ is my absolute favourite. It’s the most stunning flower ever! I always start my dahlias indoors. I pot them up in April and keep them in my unheated greenhouse until I’m ready to plant out in May. By then they will all have healthy shoots and are a bit...