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Company from Azerbaijan may become resident of Daghestan industrial park 5), Russia (North Ossetia-Alania, Daghestan), Ukraine (the Crimea). The Opiliones of Iran with a description of a new genus and two new species (3) Amirkhanov Institute of Physics Daghestan Scientific Center, Russian...
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Situated in the rugged mountain peaks and deep valleys of north eastern Caucasus, Daghestan is home to more than 30 distinct peoples. Each of these peoples has their own language yet they share a surprisingly homogeneous culture that has both withstood and absorbed centuries of external influences...
网络释义 1. 格斯坦 ...vashes),诸里安人(Zyrians),以及达格斯坦(Daghestan)和土耳其斯坦(Turkestan)那些部落,便寻找他们的道路到 … www.marxists.org|基于3个网页
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(Placename) a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: annexed from Persia in 1813; rich mineral resources. Capital: Makhachkala. Pop: 2 584 200 (2002). Area: 50 278 sq km (19 416 sq miles). Also called:DagestanorDaghestan ...
Даьгӏеста是将“Daghestan"翻译成 印古什語。 Daghestan + 添加翻译 法文-印古什語字典 Даьгӏеста Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data 显示算法生成的翻译 带有“Daghestan"的图片 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Daghestan"翻译成 印古什語 变形 干 找不...
Дагестан是将“Daghestan"翻译成 乌德穆尔特语。 Daghestan + 添加翻译 法文-乌德穆尔特语字典 Дагестан Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data 显示算法生成的翻译 带有“Daghestan"的图片 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Daghestan"翻译成 乌德穆尔特语 变形 干 找...