Given a DAG G and any distributions that the random variables obey, let F MAX (x ) be the distribution function of the longest path length. We first represent F MAX (x ) by a repeated integral that involves n *** 1 integrals, where n is the order of G . We next present an ...
在Python中查找DAG的没有重复节点的最长路径的程序 假设我们有一个由邻接表表示的有向无环图。我们必须找到图中没有节点重复的最长路径。 因此,如果输入如下所示: 那么输出将是4,因为路径是0 -> 1 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2,长度为4。 要解决这个问题,我们将按照以下步骤进行 – ans:...
Yamashita, ``Approximating the Longest Path Length of a Stochastic DAG by a Normal Distribution in Linear Time,'' J. Discrete Algorithms, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 420-438, Dec. 2009.E. Ando, T. Nakata, and M. Yamashita, "Approximating the Longest Path Length of a Stochastic DAG by a ...