We consider DAGs with different numbers of nodes(p)as well as different sample sizes(n). The topology of the true DAGs are shown in the Additional file1: Figs. S1, S2 and S3. We evaluate the performance of various methods by assessing their powers or true positive rates (TPRs), false ...
In summary, the results of our differential expression analysis betweendag1and wild type are consistent with the role of DAG1 as a transcription factor and suggest its involvement in the control of hormone-related genes in hypocotyls as well as in response to stress in the whole seedling. More...
Armenian samples were collected by LY in Ararat Region, Armenia with a written consent form approved by the Institute of Molecular Biology, Yerevan, Armenia. All additional non-Daghestani samples were included in previous studies.24,25 Fifteen highland Daghestani populations speak distinct languages ...
For real-time plasma monitoring, in-situ optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was utilized, and its resulting data underwent dimensionality reduction and data preprocessing using principal component analysis (PCA). The CatBoost model's analysis allowed for prediction of XRD's full width at half ...