The Krah-Kanela form one of the various ethnic emerging groups that, in the last few decades, have mobilized themselves in order to recover and have the recognition of the indigenous people's identity, besides the claim for natural rights according to their status, specially the regulation of ...
大腹乃怀双胞胎(打一“篇目”) 随机推荐谜语 巾帼英雄传·虾须格(打一“篇目”) 今日方才到腮边(打一“篇目”) 今日俸钱过十万(打一“篇目”) 今夕是何年(打一“篇目”) 紧主佳宾共唱酬(打一“篇目”) 精神第二性(打一“篇目”) 纠偏良机(打一“篇目”) ...
O intuito do presente trabalho e tornar inteligivel o contexto atual da questao indigena no Brasil, a partir da analise da Comissao Parlamentar de Inquerito (CPI) da FUNAI iniciada no ano de 2015, a mesma apresenta como consequencia mais perniciosa a criminalizacao de antropologas (os) ...