启发了一众知名制作人的Daft Punk到底是怎样出名的? 陈饮風_ZephyrSipper 4786 29 《奶龙の小曲》“今夜星光闪闪爱,你的心满满”(我是奶龙dj) 一只普通的背带小绿 12.4万 0 【英文歌曲混音】那些只打高端局的Remix! 南风未满 41.6万 143 【(死亡)重金属音乐】Mission_In_Black-Profit_Reigns_Supreme-16...
Daft Punk was a French musical duo, active in the 1990s and early 21st century, whose sonic adventurousness and flair for presentation propelled them from the vanguard of electronic dance music to the pop mainstream. Perhaps their best-known album was Ra
Not one performance of Daft Punk's shows the members faces, which are usually hidden by masks or are replaced by animation. They also never show their faces when at interviews or awards ceremonies. Submitted by: Rachel Other Artists:
Daft Punk's decision toadopt robotic personae, while unusual for a major-label act, was well signposted: before becoming the robots, the band had spent several years hiding their faces in photo shoots. ... They would be photographed in the DJ position as they were. But otherwise, they wo...
表演者:Daft Punk 专辑类型:Import 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2015-04-14 出版者:Imports 唱片数:1 条形码:7798093710809 豆瓣评分 8.8 40人评价 5星 46.2% 4星 50.0% 3星 3.8% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列
Did Daft Punk Ever Reveal Their Identities? The French electronic music duo Daft Punk is known for their intricate masks and helmets, which conceal their identities. In 2015, their latest and official face was revealed in the form of their sculpted faces made by the French sculptor Xavier Veilh...
Nile Rodgers - The Many Faces Of Daft Punk 2 Get Lucky (5Prite/Many Faces Edit) Karen Souza - The Many Faces Of Daft Punk 3 Little Scare (Album Version) Benjamin Diamond - The Many Faces Of Daft Punk 4 Chase 2011 (Martin Brodin Dubbed Out Mix) Giorgio Moroder - The Many ...
Peculiarly, despite having a massive following, Daft Punk has largely steered clear of doing live shows most of the time—with some obvious exceptions. This, too, is part of their whole mystique. Even though their costumes completely cover their faces during performances, the duo still generally...
Daft Punk's dynamic sounds are staples in clubs all over the world, and part of this is due to the smash success of their single "Around The World." The second single from their debut hit No. 1 on dance charts worldwide, its only lyric — fittingly, "around t...
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