Kohut’s double duty has caught the attention of parents at Canterbury Woods Elementary. “I just wanted to share how impressed I am with Dr. Kohut this week,” Susi Brittain wrote in an e-mail to Leipzig. “This morni...
A forthcoming exhibition at the Grassi -Museum in Leipzig, accompanied by the publication "Vessel | Sculpture" and focusing on works by distinguished East German ceramicists such as Walter Gebauer, Karl Jüttner, the Krtings, -Gertraud Mhwald and Karl Fulle, provides new insights into East ...
201-250 Univ Laval Canada 0.0 14.5 12.9 39.0 16.6 201-250 Univ Leipzig Germany 17.5 0.0 8.7 38.7 16.2 201-250 Univ Libre Bruxelles Belgium 18.9 0.0 9.8 36.9 16.4 201-250 Univ Louvain Belgium 15.3 0.0 7.6 43.7 16.6 201-250 Univ Manchester Inst Sci & Tech UK 0.0 17.8 10.0 32.7 15.1 201...