ceph问题记录:1 daemons have recently crashed 问题: ceph 集群运行运行过程中出现警告1 daemons have recently crashed 排查 1、查询最新 crash 信息ceph crash ls-new 复制[root@node1~]# ceph crash ls-newID ENTITYNEW2023-xx-xx_01:35:33.350541Z_b929855b-f264-42df-89ef-bcdb31f6bc18 mgr.node1*...
原因:.产生该问题的原因是数据在均衡或者回滚等操作的时候,导致其某个守护进程崩溃了,且没有及时归档,所以集群产生告警 解决办法: ceph crash ls ceph crash archive <id> OR ceph crash archive-all 查看集群状态: ceph -s
ceph集群报"daemons have recently crashed"问题处理 1.产生该问题的原因是数据在均衡或者回滚等操作的时候,导致其某个守护进程崩溃了,且没有及时归档,所以集群产生告警。 2.解决办法 #ceph crash ls #ceph crash archive <id> OR #ceph crash archive-all 3.查看集群状态 #ceph -s...
错误:daemons have recently crashed 操作: ceph crashlsceph crash archive<id>或者 ceph crash archive-all 查看集群状态: ceph -s
Issue Why does ceph status '1 daemons have recently crashed'? How to list and manage all the crashes reported in ceph status?Environment Red Hat Ceph Storage 4.1 Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. Current ...
Of course, the Disney castle is just one of the many fabulous sets that have been created to pay homage to a century of Disney magic. Another set is theLego Walt Disney Tribute Camera. This set presents a distinctive, compact model that elegantly embodies Disney magic with a mature touch....
一个或多个Ceph守护进程最近崩溃可能是软件或硬件导致 ceph crash ls-new //查看报错信息 ceph crash ls-new 命令查到报错的 crashed 进程 ceph crash info [id] 查看进程详细信息: 发现 crashed 进程确实崩溃了,通过查看官方文档,我们发现这个告警可以通过 archiving 来消除,消除之后就不会再有此告警信息了 ceph...
Ceph错误:daemons have recently crashed 错误:daemons have recently crashed 操作: ceph crash ls ceph crash archive <id> 或者 ceph crash archive-all 查看集群状态: ceph -s
Rook Ceph出现daemons have recently crashed异常 2020-11-09 14:18 − ... lswweb 0 2060 相关推荐 利用ceph-deploy部署ceph存储集群 2019-12-19 17:40 − 一、环境准备创建两台主机,ip地址和主机名如下,主机名ceph-1,主机名ceph-2 每个主机 新增加一块数据盘,分区根据...
Rook Ceph出现daemons have recently crashed异常 某天突然ceph发出警告提示daemons have recently crashed,而且数目在不断增加,然并没有找到相关的错误目志。官方文挡有提示:一个或多个Ceph守护进程最近崩溃可能是软件或硬件(例如,磁盘故障)导致 解决办法 1、进入tool box容器...