Daddy Pig has to mend the wall before Mummy Pig comes home. 猪爸爸必须在猪妈妈回来前将墙修好。 Brick, please. 请递给我一块砖。 First, Daddy Pig fills the hole with bricks. 首先,猪爸爸要先用砖填好墙洞。 There. 好了。...
47_Daddy_Puts_up_a_Picture DaddyPutsupaPicture! MummyPigandDaddyPig haveanewpictureof PeppaandGeorge. Weshouldputthislovely,newpictureonthewall. Leaveittome. IamtheDIYexpertofthehouse. Areyousureyoucandoit? Ofcourse!I'lljustput anailinthewall andhangthepictureonit. Verygood.I'mjustoff tovi...
Peppa Pig: Daddy Puts Up a Picture(机器翻译:佩帕猪:爸爸挂了张照片)作者:Neville Astley 出版社:Ladybird Books ISBN(13位):9780241350072 语种:英语 开本:32 页数:24 市场价:¥ 49.9装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 平装 九成新 ¥ 15.30 ¥ 13.46 0 有货通知 内容简介 爸爸猪提供在木乃伊猪出门...
Daddy Pig is going toknockthe naiIintothe WaII.猪爸爸把钉子钉进墙里面 场景一 爸爸妈妈做了一个佩奇姐弟的相框,想挂在墙上,爸爸信心十足的接了挂相框的任务,妈妈要去拜访爷爷奶奶,临走时已在吩咐爸爸不要弄得乱七八糟 Mummy Pig...
Peppa Pig Daddy Puts Up a Picture(Season 1, Episode 45) TV-Y TV Episode|11 min|Animation, Short, Adventure Edit pageAdd to list While Mummy Pig is out of the house, Daddy Pig decides to hang up a picture. What could possibly go wrong?
小猪佩奇第1季第46集第5幕:Daddy Puts up a Picture 爸爸挂照片查看台词>>>George, let's make sand castles乔治,我们来做沙堡吧Peppa and George are making sand castles佩奇和乔治正在做沙子城堡First, we put sand in the buckets, like this首先,我们把沙子放在桶里,像这样We turn the buckets upside ...
S1E45 Daddy Puts up a Picture这一集难以言表,笑cry...看Daddy Pig如何拆了房子Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have a new picture of Peppa and George. We should put this lovely new picture on the wall. (很有爱的开场)Leave it to me. I am the DIY expert of the house.(明知会被打脸,但每集...
Mummy Pig:Hello. Daddy Pig:Hello. Mummy Pig:What have you been doing? Daddy Pig:Oh, nothing. Mummy Pig:Yes, I can see you’ve been doing nothing. I thought you were going to put the picture up. Narrator:In all the excitement Daddy Pig has forgotten to put the picture up. ...
Of course! I'll just put a nail in the wall and hang the picture on it. Very good. I'm just off to visit Granny and Grandpa Pig. please, don't make a mess. Mess? Daddy, can we help put up the picture? You can watch and then you'll learn how to do it properly. ...
Peppa Pig - S1E45-Daddy Puts up a Picture