Dadspotting is a multi-platform project to open up the conversation about fatherhood today by exploring what we can learn from relationships in the past, while shaping our future. Made in Canada
More than a site about poopy diapers, DadTalk discusses issues -- such as health, the environment, housing and education -- facing everyday parents.
Anyone with a compiler today can call themselves a programmer. Some are doing it and don’t even realize that they are doing it (think Excel formulas). But even narrowing the field down to those that make a living writing code, there is a great disparity in the quality of developers out...
I think what really helped was how much my wife and I talked about the new house. It didn’t hurt that we visited the new house at least once a week. If you’re moving into an existing home you obviously don’t have that luxury. As long as you and your wife talk about the move...
Therapy Talk: Mending A Broken Bond With Your Child Follow Us Great Things You Do That Stress Your Kids Out For Real Source: Being a hands-on dad makes you one of the most lovable people in town. Every morning, you either walk your kids to the bus stop or drive them to...
Another added, “this child gave a TED Talk about the power of positive self-talk.” Indeed, “Shredder Dad” shares footage of our loveable snowboarding dinosaur making a few face plants, but she quickly bounces back. Nothing can stop her from her “weewhoos.” Nothing. That is, until...
When Cale J. Schneiderinvented his multipronged cake breaker, he had no notion of its destiny as a comb for Afro‐American hair. While bakers today use pie cutters to cut their angel food cakes, in its day, this tool took the cake. ...
Today they're talking about the weekend football results'. Dad often talks to the radio. I don't understand why. They can't hear him.DAD: Stop talking about sport and celebrities2. Talk about something important!ME: Dad, they can't hear you.Spanish. It's the first class of the da...
At Nevada’s breakfast, the crush of delegates hoping to snag a pic with one of the party’s biggest rising stars was so great they took a group photo just to help Shapiro stay on schedule. Shapiro is at these breakfasts to talk up the ticket. But he’s also promoting his own ...
Today they're talking about the weekend football results'. Dad often talks to the radio. I don't understand why. They can't hear him.DAD: Stop talking about sport and celebrities2. Talk about something important!ME: Dad, they can't hear you.Spanish. It's the first class of the d...