Dad N Me(狂扁小朋友),童年经典的网页游戏,相信一定有许多小伙伴玩过这个游戏,游戏中熟悉的紫色小人,暴打各种小朋友,一款十分不错的格斗游戏,玩家们能够进行各种挑战,使出你的技能去攻击小朋友们,在游戏中你每次殴打都能够聚气,而到达一定程度就能够爆发,使出强力的攻击。
Dad 'n Me is an action-packed street-fighting game where players control a troublemaking young brawler joined by his equally tough father.
Save me Now Daddy Rabbit Zombie Farm How to play Dad n Me? Like father, like son. Control this young punk and wreak havoc in playgrounds. Controls MOVE aATAQUE RÁPIDO sATAQUE FUERTE Gameplays Jugando Dad N Me (Full GamePlay) Haciendo bullyng en él parque/ Dad n' Me/Juegos Random PC...
Dad N Meis a Flash game emulated withRuffle. This emulator is still under development and you might occasionally encounter some bugs in the game. Bugs should be fixed over time depending on the progress of the application development.
Dad N Me是一款趣味性十足的休闲动作游戏,玩家在游戏中操控角色,主要目标就是把路边遇到的熊孩子都胖揍一顿,游戏过程非常的减压和刺激,真的超级好玩,各位小伙伴一定不要错过了。 【Dad N Me游戏介绍】 经典街机对打游戏,充满了童年的回忆。酷炫的动作,丰富的连招。
Do you like this game? Game Description: Dad N Me - your the play ground bully and your angry Game controls: Arrow keys for movement, A to jab, S for strong attack Game Instructions:
Edit Release Date United States July 27, 2005(internet) Also Known As (AKA) (original title) Dad 'n Me Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing ...
Dad N Me(狂扁熊孩子手机版) 好玩1坑爹1 安卓下载 电脑版下载在360助手获取资源 版本:1.0.2 分类:动作格斗 大小:13.3M 语言:中文 时间:2019-11-08 16:43 星级: 官网:暂无 狂扁熊孩子是一款画风独特的畅爽战斗手游,经典2D横版格斗,操控着暴力的紫色主角在小镇上疯狂的发动着进攻,将各种混迹街头的熊孩子全部...
Awards Dad 'n Me It looks like we don't have any awards for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. For guidance, please visit the Awards submission guide. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Please see our guide to updating awards IMDb Answers: Help fill ...
Game Info Dad n' Me December 14, 2005 Dad n' Me - It's a simple tale about a father and son spending a wonderful day together, out and about. The father watches with pride as his son beats up all the other kids and throws them in traffic. The gameplay has been heavily inspired ...