SCENE: We see Bucky--a young, red-headed boy--in front of a sky scene. In the background we see the silhouette of a stork delivering a baby. BUCKY: Thanks, Dad! Mom says, if you hadn’t made the stork visit her...she’d have married Uncle Jack! And I’d be my own cousin!
And as the silhouetted figure on screen whips a gun right out of a bad guy’s hand with a stinging crack of blinding accuracy, he steps into the light and we see his face for the very first time…‘THAT my boy, is the man you are named after. THAT, is…INDIANA JONES, Dr Henry ...
spy01 THESPYWHOCAMEINFROMThECOLD JOHNLECARRE ABantamBook/publishedbyarrangementwith Coward.McCann&Geoghegan;Inc. PRINTINGHISTORY Coward,McCanneditionpublishedJanuary1964 Bantamedition/January1975 **1*Checkpoint TheAmericanhandedLeamasanothercupofcoffeeandsaid,"Whydon'tyougobackandsleep?Wecanringy...