翻译 dachs 英['dæks] 美['dæks] 释义 abbr. dachsbracke (Swedish basset) 瑞典矮脚长耳猎狗;dachshund (German=badger dog) (德语)獾狗
DACHS focuses on the automation of Hate Speech recognition in order to facilitate its analysis in supporting countermeasures at scale. To do that, we map and model hate speech against journalists, as unofficial moderators or direct targets, across social platforms in order to develop deep learning-...
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The meaning of DACHS is dachshund.
Dachs德福 D`achs[daks]发音 全球 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 德汉-汉德词典 [der]-e ①獾 ② [口,转]毛头小伙子 近义词 近词: Marder,Niederwild 词 Fuchs , 狸;Biber海狸皮;Wolf狼;Giebel山墙;Reh狍;Bär熊,落锤,桩锤;Spatz麻雀;Specht啄木鸟;Eichhörnchen松鼠;Keller地下室,地窖;Dachstuhl...
类似于 "dachs" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 Trockenfläche auf dem Dach, zum Sonnen für Sachen 晒台·曬台 unter einem Dach 同堂 Das Dach des Gebäudes wurde mit einem begrenzten Budget fertiggestellt大樓的屋頂是在有限的預算下完成的 大樓的屋頂是在有限的預算下完成的Das Dach des Gebä...
s research and development efforts as R&D head. Dachs joined Santa Cruz, California-based Capstan Medical this week from 3D printing firm Carbon, where he was SVP of engineering. Before that, Dachs spent eight years at Intuitive surgical, joining the surgical robotics developer as a research ...
Executives 2 DACHSManagement Team 2 Team Members DACHShas2executives.DACHS'sfounder is Brad Dickinson.DACHS'sis. Name Work History Title Status Brad Dickinson SocialChorus,ThousandEyes,Cisco,IronPort,andAirtreks Founder Current Subscribe to see more ...