Dachau是什么意思 Dachau 英['dɑ:kəu]美 n. 达豪(德国的城市);达豪集中营(二战时由纳粹建于达豪) 英文词源 Dachau town in Bavaria, Germany, from Old High German daha "clay" + ouwa "island," describing its situation on high ground by the Amper River. Infamous as the site of a Naz...
Dachau 美 英['dɑ:kəu] 网络达豪;达豪集中营;达浩 英英 网络释义 un. 1. siteofaWorldWarIINaziconcentrationcamp(1939-1945)inBavaria,about16km(10mi)northwestofMunich,southwesternGermany.Itisnowamemorialtothosewhodiedthere.
Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site Nous vous emmenons à l'ancien camp de concentration de Dachau et vous proposons une visite complète et complète. Vos questions sont les bienvenues tout au long de la tournée. La photographie est autorisée sur le site. 4 heures • Billet d'entr...
Dachau 英['dɑ:kəu] 释义 [地名] [德国] 达豪 实用场景例句 全部 Most inmates atDachauknew that the experiments in the pressure chamber were fatal. Dachau的大部分囚犯知道压力室的实验是致命的. 互联网 If this is a vacation, are you going back to theDachau's camp?
Das Dachauer Schloss auf dem Schlossberg von Dachau war lange Zeit bevorzugte Sommerresidenz der Wittelsbacher. Mapcarta, die offene Karte.
Dachau英['dɑ:kəu] 美 解释 n. 达豪(德国的城市);达豪集中营(二战时由纳粹建于达豪) ※ 提供单词"Dachau"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 英文词源 Dachau town in Bavaria, Germany, from Old High German daha "clay" + ouwa "island," describing its situation ...
DachauDachau is a city with about 44,800 citizens in Upper Bavaria, Germany and has a history of more than 1,200 years, but best known for being the location of the very first Nazi concentration camp.Map Directions Satellite Photo Map...
The meaning of DACHAU is city in the southern Germany state of Bavaria population 35,892.
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