“你好,学林大尾巴usb声卡解码器开售啦,双9038q2m,sa9227异步时钟,秒杀市面所有小尾巴!”——这是送测者在给我发这台i-HiFi H7 DAC/HeadphoneAMP(学林大尾巴)时候顺便转给我的宣传语。不说废话,看东西: Photo 外观上,这个“大尾巴”方方正正的。两面玻璃的材质质感不错!周围的铝合金框做工还行,喷砂的表面摸...
“你好,学林大尾巴usb声卡 解码器开售啦,双9038q2m,sa9227异步时钟,秒杀市面所有小尾巴!”——这是送测者在给我发这台i-HiFi H7 DAC/HeadphoneAMP(学林大尾巴)时候顺便转给我的宣传语。不说废话,看东西:外…
USB Type-C for Easy Connectivity PCM Sampling Frequencies: Extensive Range from 44.1 kHz to 768 kHz Features: |Dap Amp|The Dac.com|Sound Dac| **Unmatched Audio Clarity** The HiBy FD3 Type C USB DAC Headphone Amplifier is a pinnacle of audio excellence, designed to elevate your listening ...
昨天收到的这台马兰士Marantz HD-DAC1解码耳放是某群群友送测的。仔细查了下,这货居然都是2015年的产品了?感觉这货有点像TEAC的505系列吧?小尺寸的耳放解码一体机+带前级输出功能,从目前不到5K的价位来看,个…
‘if it ain’t broke…’ saying isn’t lost on us. But at the same time we realise that in a competitive industry such as hi-fi, making the best even better off your own back isn’t necessarily a bad idea. It’s what iFi has done with its budget home DAC and headphone amp ...
Pocket-sized DAC/headphone amp Compatible with computers, laptops, and headphones Cons: Pricey No Bluetooth connection Sound BlasterX G6 Hi-Res 130dB 32bit/384kHz Dac Sound BlasterX G6 Gaming DAC (Image: Amazon) Sound BlasterX’s G6is a high-end DAC unit that would best sit in the ha...
ASUS Xonar Essence One is the name of a brand new DAC & Headphone amplifier combination from ASUS. The unit can decode 192 kHz source material and features a well performing headphone amplifier stage that allows for op-amp swapping.
But overall, if you are looking for an extremely compact device that can plug into almost any device and can make almost any headphone and IEM sing, then the Dragonfly Cobalt is the perfect device for you.
It’s not often that a fully balanced DAC/amp comes along at a price like this. The Topping DX7s improves upon the well-regarded DX7 by taking both the DAC and headphone amp sections up a notchRead More Share: You Might Also Like ...