6) Dabaoshan deposit 大宝山矿床 1. Mashan and Dabaoshan deposits situated in Tongling district of lower Yangtze and north Guangdong district of Nanling respectively,both belong to the massive sulfide deposits. 马山和大宝山矿床均为块状硫化物矿床。
1)Dabaoshan大宝山 1.Heavy Metals Pollution in Stream Sediments and Potential Ecological Risk Assessment in Dabaoshan Mining Area;大宝山矿区河流表层沉积物重金属污染及潜在生态风险评价 2.Geological and metallogenic characteristics of Dabaoshan copper mine of Weixi County,Yunnan and comprehensive prospecting ...
Dabaoshan Gneissdoi:10.1007/978-3-540-93824-8_1242Yin Guanghou, Zhang Jinliang, Chen Sijun, 1988, Yunnan Geology, 17(1): 17–26 Dabaoshan, west of Qingkoutang, Weixi County, Yunnan Province For gneiss Proterozoic.Springer Berlin Heidelberg...
4) Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit 大宝山铁铜多金属矿山5) Baoshan mineral fiel 宝山矿区 1. The paper present the main geologic characteristics of Baoshan mineral field, analyse and summarize the control factors and mineralized regularities of main mineral forming, determine the range of prospecting,...
In this study,the predictive ability of six extractants(HCl,DTPA,CaCl2,NH4NO3,MgCl2 and deionized water) was investigated with respect to bioavailability of Pb,Zn,Cu and Cd in three types of vegetable planted soils,which were collected from Shangba Village near Dabaoshan mine.The results showed ...
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inPollutedAbandonedFarmlandofDabaoshanMine HuangHongyingXuJianBaiYin ZhangWeiqunWangXiaowei 韶关市科技计划项目韶科2010-67 ;韶关学院科研项目韶学院2010-207。 第一作者简介:黄红英,女,1967年出生,高级实验师,硕士,主要从事生态学教学和土壤生态研究。通信地址:512005 广东韶关学院英东生命科学学 院,Tel 0751-8613097E...
Keywords:SHRIMPzirconU-Pbages;Xuwu;subdaciticporphyry;Dabaoshanoredistrict;northernGuangdongProvince 第33卷第6期潘会彬等:粤北大宝山矿区徐屋岩体SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义895 1地质背景 大宝山矿区在构造位置上处于南岭纬向构造 带南侧、大东山—贵东东西向构造岩浆带与吴川— 四会深大断裂构造带的复合部位...
大宝山铜矿 3) Guangshan copper and polymetallic deposit 观山铜多金属矿 4) Porphyry copper deposit of Duobaoshan 多宝山斑岩铜矿 5) Dabaoshan copper mining district 大宝山铜矿区 6) Bao-Shan iron ore 宝山铁矿 1. The preliminary demonstration ofBao-Shan iron oredeposit industry index were revised ...
1) Dabaoshan Mine 大宝山矿区 1. Speciation Distribution and Transfer of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Stream Waters aroundDabaoshan Mine; 大宝山矿区污染水体中重金属的形态分布及迁移转化 更多例句>> 2) Dabaoshan copper mining district 大宝山铜矿区 ...