The scholarship includes: German language course (up to 6 months) in Germany before the start of the university studies Tuition-free M.A. or M.Sc. degree programme at a public or state-recognized university in Germany starting in winter term 2024 (September/October 2024) Additional mandatory t...
For other programs, the language of instruction is German. You are usually required to submit a German language certificate e.g. DSH or TestDaF. Eligible Countries:Click here for a list of eligible developing countries. Candidates have a Bachelor’s degree (usually a four-year course) or Maste...
Course: Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE) University: Universität Stuttgart Course: Natural Hazards and Risks in Structural Engineering – NHRE University: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Mathematics Course: PhD-Programme “Mathematics in Industry and Commerce” –...
A letter of motivation is required when you apply for a study scholarship or a grant for a language or specialist course. This letter gives you the chance to describe your personality and the reasons why you are applying for a DAAD scholarship. The following information and questions will help...
A scholarship holder may only be considered once in any three consecutive years for a DAAD University Summer Course Grant; Language skills Applicants must be able to follow lectures in German and collaborate in teams. Proof of German language skills must be provided with the application. ...
A letter of motivation is required when you apply for a study scholarship or a grant for a language or specialist course. This letter gives you the chance to describe your personality and the reasons why you are applying for a DAAD scholarship. ...
Start: usually from 1st October, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme Selection A special DAAD committee made up of professors from German universities makes the final decision about scholarships in the field of the Performing Arts...
•two-month German language course. Where applicable, family-dependent allowances or benefits may also be paid. German host institutions will obtain a research cost allowance of 2.400,- EUR per year. Application Applications are open to Chinese graduates who hold a Master's or equivalent academic...
Rankings WhyGermany?DAAD ::NorthAmerica::DeutscherAkademischerAustauschDienstGermanAcademicExchangeService WhyGermany?101millionpeoplespeakGermanworldwideMostwidely-spokenlanguageoftheEuropeanUnion NumberofGermanpagesintheinternettakessecondplaceafter ...
GermanHigherEducation Twomaintypesofhighereducationinstitutions:►ResearchUniversities:undergraduate,professionalanddoctoralprograms►UniversitiesofAppliedSciences(Fachhochschulen):practiceorientedBachelor’sandMaster’sprograms Andsomeoutstandingresearchinstitutesoutsideuniversities:MaxPlanckInstitutesHelmholtzResearchCenters...