若复数z=cos +isin (i是虚数单位),复数z2的实部、虚部分别为a,b,则下列结论错误的是( )
CSE 403 - CSRocks Inc.1. Introduction CourseForge relies on a LAMP architecture. User and course information is stored in a MySQL database, which is accessed via AJAX XMLHttpRequest calls to PHP functions which make queries and convert the result to XML. The XML data is parsed and put on...
Note to the year-on-year change of the relevant data (1) Growth of revenue and net profit of Wuhan Baowan, Zhenjiang Baowan and Jinnan Baowan were mainly for year 2017 was the first full operation year. (2) Growth of Nantong Baowan revenue and net profit due to increase of rental ...