“The Diamond Aircraft Team has done an incredible job with the DA50 RG. Not only is the aircraft technologically sophisticated, outstandingly safe and spacious but also has an impressive ramp appeal, that makes everyone turn their heads whenever it shows up. We are very proud that this has ...
“The Diamond Aircraft Team has done an incredible job with the DA50 RG. Not only is the aircraft technologically sophisticated, outstandingly safe and spacious but also has an impressive ramp appeal, that makes everyone turn their heads whenever it shows up. We are very proud that this has ...
Diamondo Earthrounding links and visits numerous sustainable initiatives and technologies by flying a Diamond Aircraft DA50 RG around the world. Everyone can contribute in making flying more sustainable and with our trip we highlight the tools and tricks
Specifications apply to standard equipped aircraft, typical configuration, average occupation, short trip loading, well serviced aircraft condition, if not otherwise stated. The above data are approximately specifications and may change without notice.Open...
🔧 Da50 Rg 的设计融合了可伸缩起落架、双涡轮增压喷气燃料 300HP 发动机和最先进的航空电子设备,将现代通用航空推向了一个新的高度。🚀🌍 Diamond Aircraft,这家总部位于奥地利的公司,在加拿大和中国设有工厂,是通用航空领域的领先制造商之一。自 1981 年成立以来,Diamond Aircraft 不断创新,拥有超过 1,300...
Diamond Aircraft 自豪地宣布其令人兴奋的带可伸缩齿轮的新型 DA50 RG 单发动机活塞获得 FAA(美国联邦航空管理局)认证,为向美国客户交付以及在 2023 年奥什科什 EAA AirVenture 上向首个 DA50 RG 美国客户交付扫清了道路。7 月 25 日,在由通用航空
虽然上市时间推迟了几个月,但Diamond Aircraft钻石飞机公司的全新活塞式单引擎DA50 RG(可伸缩齿轮)还是正式向欧盟客户订购,并计划于2021年第一季度开始交付。 全碳纤维复合材料并拥有5个座位,仿似一个“超大豪华座舱”,钻石飞机公司称这是同级别机型中“最宽、最舒适”的之一。该机还配备了Garmin G1000 NXi飞行甲板...
Austria's Diamond Aircraft is confident of securing European certification for its DA50 RG in the third quarter, and says it will deliver the first examples of the high-end piston-single early next year. Launched in April 2017 with just the DA50 moniker, the six-seat model was originally ...
6239 2 0:49 App 奥地利钻石航空 DA50 可收放起落架版本5人座机型 首飞视频 3.4万 23 11:12 App Diamond Aircraft 钻石航空最好的飞机 Top5 2022-2023 1.3万 3 6:25 App da50rg 小型私人飞机界的“超跑”? 3759 3 1:06 App Sparker飞机 1万 6 3:53 App TARRAGON Aircraft 2.6万 33 1:...
不过由于钻石飞机在成功的推出了DA62双发航煤发动机7座,以及单发的航煤发动机4座DA40N后,获得了不错的市场反响,吸引了一批细分市场的客户。 衷心希望这款独到的DA50RG未来能够获得市场的积极响应,为中国人投资的企业赢得更大的成绩。 关注微信公众号:i-Aircraft, ID:鹿角尖...