BLE DA14531/14585修改参数之连接间隔sdk6.0.14 1.打开dialog SDK内工程prox_reporter,在user_config.h中设置user_connection_param_conf,这里将最小和最大连接间隔设为一样都为125ms。 static const struct connection_param_configuration user_connection_param_conf = { /// Connection interval minimum measured ... 2. DA14585_SDK_SW_Release_Notes_v6.0.8.509.doc Description RELEASE FILE RELEASE NOTES 3.0 Release History 3.1 VERSION # DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW This is a full release of DA14585/586 SDK, which supports only the DA14585/586-00. NEW FEATURES 13. Security ...
DA14585 SDK6 档介绍了将DA14585 / DA14586 SDK 6.0.10版本下开发的应用程序移植到最新的DA14585 / 586/531 SDK 6.0.12版本中的更改和所需的步骤。 SDK2020-04-29 上传大小:43.00MB 所需:14积分/C币 OpcRcw.Comn.dll、OpcRcw.Da.dll两个用与用opc与PLC通信的动态库,测试过...
DA14585 SDK6.zipTē**мο 上传43.01MB 文件格式 zip SDK DA14585 SDK6 档介绍了将DA14585 / DA14586 SDK 6.0.10版本下开发的应用程序移植到最新的DA14585 / 586/531 SDK 6.0.12版本中的更改和所需的步骤。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
Multiple button press wake up callback DA14585/DA14586 and DA14531 Contents 1. Example description 2. HW and SW configuration 3. How to run the example 4. Expected Results 5. About this Example 6. Troubleshooting 7. License 8. Revision history...