This institution, known as Reisush-Shuara (Head of Poets), originated when Sultan Ahmet III bestowed the responsibility upon Osmanzade T'ib, succeeding the transfer of duties from Grand Vizier Ibrahim Pasha to Sayyid Vehb, and subsequently passed to Sunbulzade Vehb unde...
摘要: Provides information on the family institution in Samsun, Turkey. Formation of family and its social security in the area; Importance of the establishment and development of family; Way to make general analyses on the family institution....
Bu baglamda bu calisma, Kayseri'de 1950-1980 yillari arasinda Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu (SSK) tarafindan uretilen konut kooperatiflerini belgelemeyi ve kooperatiflerin nicel gelisimini incelemeyi amaclamistir. Bu incelemeyi yapabilmek icin Kayseri Kocasinan Belediyesi ve Kayseri Melikgazi ...
Korkmaz, MehmetJournal of Theology Academy / Ilahiyat Akademi
OKUL NCES ETM KURUMU VE LKOKULLARDA ALE ETM VE KATILIMI ALIMALARININ NCELENMES / A Study on Parent Education and Involment Activties in Preschool Institutions and Primary SchoolsArzu OzyurekMustafa AdibatmazAsya CetinDerya Atalay
Provides information on the family institution in Samsun, Turkey. Formation of family and its social security in the area; Importance of the establishment and development of family; Way to make general analyses on the family institution.BesirliMehmetEBSCO_AspJournal of Academic Studies...
The Ottomans who wanted to industrialize enacted such a law called "Ihtira Berati" in 1879 too.Bülbü, Yaarzbay, Rahmi DenizMarmara University Journal of the Faculty of Economic & Administrative Sciences
We suggest that a more medical, ethical and humanitarian regulation is urgently needed.rüm, Mehmet HamdiBosphorus Medical Journal / Boazii Tp Dergisi
Furthermore, the fact that PAI transfers funds to press on one hand and takes on a supervisory role on the other, was brought into question and a few recommendations were brought forward in the conclusion section.KSEDA, Mehmet SenaElectronic Turkish Studies...