DaVinci Resolve is divided into "pages", each of which gives you a dedicated workspace and tools for a specific task. Editing is done on the cut and edit pages, visual effects and motion graphics on the Fusion page, color correction on the color page, audio on the Fairlight page, and ...
1. AAF 中不包含视频-若要生成没有视频文件的 AAF,应取消选中“视频”选项卡中的“导出视频”选项。对于视频文件,使用另外的方法来创建带有混音参考的视频。考虑渲染窗口中的其他导出预设之一,如果您想要更高分辨率的视频文件,可以使用 YouTube或 Vimeo。 2. 在 AAF 导出中包含视频- 使用 Pro Tools 预设,Davinci...
TikTok、Instagram、X、YouTube Shorts、Snapchat等内容创作者现在还可以在项目和时间线设置中选择方形和竖屏分辨率。该功能可以和智能重新构图结合使用,快速设置竖屏或方形分辨率视频的时间线。 直接上传到社交媒体 将您的社交媒体账户链接到DaVinci Resolve就可以在导出时直接将视频上传到YouTube、Vimeo和Twitter。各项压...
There isa lot that is new in Resolve 19.Blackmagic does a good job of delivering a lot ofwhat’s newinformation in a manageable way in their official Resolve 19 page,so head over there if you want to dig in deep. The bullet point list ofwhat’s newis extensive and I’ve posted that...
YouTube’s preference is for your audio to be no louder than -14 LUFS, and they will normalize the audio, which can lead to undesired wonkiness. In this tutorial, we will go over how to set your target loudness, monitor your loudness using the meter in Fairlight, and...
下载youtube视频源 https://x2download.app/zh-cn3 lookae 查找 下载预设和插件 导入素材前 1.点击logo-偏好设置-(用户)项目保存 实时备份 2.文件-项目设置——修改帧率(导入后无法再修改)补救方法,新建一条时间线,设置正确帧率,复制原来内容过来(提示:更改,则使用视频自己帧率) ...
Vinci Resolve Studio which adds tons of additional effects, 3D and more. Adding an editor keyboard, color control panel, or audio console lets you work even faster because you can use both hands at the same time, allowing you to be more creative and do things that are impossible with a ...
The Dream ADA-128 control software runs in an on-board CPU module, on a quad-core ARM processor. The intuitive control software allows you to manage every element of the unit. After 30+ years of UI engineering experience, we understand the needs of the modern audio professional; we have ...
支持YouTube和迪士尼工作流程的响度标准 新的Fairlight FX响度计与监控多个总线的能力 智能缩写长通道名称。 支持3D音频高度控制的Pan预置。 支持并行总线发送和输出多达三个每个总线。 支持自动安全和自动关闭多个音轨或总线。 管理音频FX的多个音轨或总线通过键盘快捷键 ...
then clickanywhere inside a clip or at the edge of a clip on the timeline. You’ll see the cursor change to different types of trim tools as you move your mouse. This is known as context sensitive trimming. You can trim during live playback,hear audiowhile trimming and even trim ...