Learn about conditions that may be suited for minimally-invasive procedures using the Ion endoluminal system or the da Vinci surgical system.
Learn more about general surgery procedures for the digestive tract that are available on the davinci surgical system.
da Vinci® Xi™ Surgical System(第四代达芬奇手术机器人) 达芬奇手术机器人是微创手术的先进工具。它通过尖端的机器人,3D立体视觉和直观的人机界面控制相结合,成为外科医生眼睛和手的自然延伸。坐在符合人体工程学的达芬奇调试台,外科医生拥有3D高清视野的手术野,放大倍率比人眼高10倍。增强了手术的精确性。通过...
da Vinci (R) surgical systemRobotic gastrectomyGastric cancerThe da Vinci surgical system was developed by Intuitive Surgical Inc. in the United States as an endoscopic surgical device to assist remote control surgeries. In 1998, the Da Vinci system was first used for cardiothoracic procedures. ...
位在美國矽谷的IntuitiveSurgical以達文西機器人手術系統 (daVinci®SurgicalSystem)在機器人微創手術領域獨步全球,這 套系統經由狹小的開口,提供傳統開腔手術臨床及技術功能,將病人 的創傷降到最小。 IntuitiveSurgical的達文西機器人手術系統(daVinci® SurgicalSystem)結合了優越的3D視覺表現,大幅加強了靈敏度、 ...
2000年在da Vinci手术系统公开销售之前,Intuitive Surgical被竞争对手Computer Motion起诉专利侵权,Computer Motion在1997年发布了Zues手术系统,Zues手术系统来源于AESOP系统的升级改进,AESOP是一个首次获得FDA批准的声控手术机器人内窥镜控制系统,目的是给腹腔镜医生提供更高质量的稳定的视野。da Vinci手术系统的思想略有不同...
。 reduces the amount of time it takes to perform a surgical procedure C. allows the surgeon to use the surgical instruments more sensitively D. 。 gets rid of the need for surgeons to make large incisions on patients 相关知识点:
Robotic-assisted surgery with the da Vinci surgical system is a minimally invasive surgery, meaning it is less invasive than traditional open surgery.
网络达芬奇高清外科手术系统 网络释义 1. 达芬奇高清外科手术系统 图中所示的达芬奇高清外科手术系统(da Vinci Si HD Surgical System)配置有两个外科医生主控制台、一台病人手术推车和一台 … www.eccn.com|基于11个网页
The da Vinci system is a robotic surgical system that allows surgeons to conduct complex procedures in a minimally invasive way. Book an appointment 020 8971 8000 What is the da Vinci Surgical System?The da Vinci system is a robotic surgical system that allows surgeons to conduct complex ...