Together, your da Vinci surgeon console and endoscope optics deliver an immersive surgical experience. With highly-magnified 3DHD vision and true depth perception, you can see tissue planes clearly, identify structures and stay oriented in the anatomy. We’re committed to designing advanced vision tec...
Explore and compare the full lineup of da Vinci surgical systems, including 5, Xi, SP, and X. Da Vinci systems have more than three decades of demonstrated performance.
2000年在da Vinci手术系统公开销售之前,Intuitive Surgical被竞争对手Computer Motion起诉专利侵权,Computer Motion在1997年发布了Zues手术系统,Zues手术系统来源于AESOP系统的升级改进,AESOP是一个首次获得FDA批准的声控手术机器人内窥镜控制系统,目的是给腹腔镜医生提供更高质量的稳定的视野。da Vinci手术系统的思想略有不同...
The da Vinci surgical system gives your surgeon an advanced set of instruments to use in performing robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery. The term “robotic” often misleads people. Robots don’t perform surgery. Your surgeon performs surgery with da Vinci by using instruments that he or ...
2024年3月14日,直觉医疗 Intuitive(纳斯达克股票代码:ISRG)宣布,其下一代多孔手术机器人系统达芬奇5(da Vinci 5),获得了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的510(k) 许可。 达芬奇的发展: 一文读懂手术机器人的前生今世 从一场篮球,到全球手术机器人顶级公司 ...
da Vinci Surgical System ,中文叫「达文西机器手臂」包括医师的控制台、手术床边的机器手臂和影像系统。透过机器手臂的协助,外科医师只要坐在控制台,看着手术部位的三度空间影像,即可遥控机器手臂,作出与人手相媲美的各种角度的旋转、弯曲、捏夹等动作,切、拉、缝、打结,灵巧不输人手,还可避免人手会颤抖的情形。
da Vinci® Xi™ Surgical System(第四代达芬奇手术机器人) 达芬奇手术机器人是微创手术的先进工具。它通过尖端的机器人,3D立体视觉和直观的人机界面控制相结合,成为外科医生眼睛和手的自然延伸。坐在符合人体工程学的达芬奇调试台,外科医生拥有3D高清视野的手术野,放大倍率比人眼高10倍。增强了手术的精确性。通过...
The Surgical System da Vinci is a robotic platform that allows complex surgery through incisions of 1-2 cm. So far, hundreds of thousands of surgeries have been performed. The Surgical System da Vinci reproduces the surgeon's movements in real time. The advantages of using the Surgical ...
Intuitive Surgical(纳斯达克股票代码:ISRG )的下一代机器人手术系统——达芬奇5机器人( da Vinci 5 )获得美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的批准后,该公司股价周四晚间上涨。 达芬奇5机器人基于该公司早期的系统 da Vinci Xi 构建。它有着更高的准确性和精度、下一代三维显示和图像处理、力传感技术、吞吐量和工作流程...
daVinci SP Surgical System by Intuitive Global Design Team is a winner of the 2019 A' Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Design Award. The da Vinci SP® surgical system is an advanced, robotic-assisted platform for minimally invasive surgery. It act