Explore and compare the full lineup of da Vinci surgical systems, including 5, Xi, SP, and X. Da Vinci systems have more than three decades of demonstrated performance.
da Vinci系统的立体视觉系统采用了两个索尼的CRT显示器,应用了一些反光镜实现了简化立体显示系统的功能,同时提高了图像显示质量以及立体视觉的深度和效果。为了提升视频质量,da Vinci系统采用奥林巴斯的单路光学通道+双路摄像头的设计方案(摄像头在内窥镜末端),替代了之前的低分辨率的Welch Allyn内窥镜。虽然图像质量得到...
Learn about minimally invasive robotic surgery. Resources on what to expect, which procedures are performed with da Vinci, and find a surgeon near you.
The da Vinci surgical system is a robotic technology that allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive procedures. Learn more about our da Vinci robot today.
机器人辅助手术 da Vinci Xi 是为通过内窥镜进行的小创伤、疼痛小、快速恢复的微创手术(Minimal Invasive Surgery: MIS)而设计,其机器人设备的灵活性和运动范围比人类更大 帮助外科医生在难以触及的地方进行精细手术,有效地接触到复杂和难到位置,极大地减少了手术副作用和并发症 机器人辅助手术 da Vinci Xi 适用于...
常采用的方法有经肛 门微创手术( transanal minimally invasive surgery,TaMIS) ,经肛门内镜显微手术,常规经肛门直视下切除术等[4-10] . 但不论是直 视下抑或在腔镜下进行局部切除术,都会受到视野,缝合等诸多限制,不能达到满意效果[10] . 文献表明[11-16] ,利用 Da Vinci 机 器人手术操作系统进行腹腔或自然...
For complex hysterectomies and other gynecologic procedures, robot-assisted surgery with the da Vinci Surgical System may be the most effective, least invasive treatment option. Through tiny, 1-2 cm incisions, surgeons using the da Vinci System can operate with greater precision and control, minimiz...
Robot-assisted hysterectomyBenign gynecologic tumorsMalignant gynecologic tumorsThe objective of this work is to present and analyze our da Vinci S robotic surgery results in the treatment of gynecologic tumors for a 1-year period. Fifty-one patients underwent da Vinci S (Intuitive Surgical, USA) ...
Contrary to what its name implies, robotic surgery (da Vinci® Surgical System) relies on a surgeon to perform every move. Learn more from Children's Health.
MedRobot 2024年3月14日,直觉医疗 Intuitive(纳斯达克股票代码:ISRG)宣布,其下一代多孔手术机器人系统达芬奇5(da Vinci 5),获得了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的510(k) 许可。 达芬奇的发展: 一文读懂手术机器人的前生今世 从一场篮球,到全球手术机器人顶级公司 ...