We went as a family of 4. Kids both had pizza, husband has seafood risotto and I had the best tasting black ink risotto. Staff were very friendly, wine was delicious and it had a great atmosphere. There are lots of returning customers being welcomed by staff. Reasonably priced as well...
siamo in un paese libero . Per il discorso branzino .. si era aperto e cucinato alla brace e il burro non c’era… grazie e arrivederci Read more Translate review Written March 27, 2024 This response is the subjective opinion of the management represen...
Se ti piacciono i sapori ben decisi della gastronomia tedesca, allora prova il risotto alla berlinese: verza, würstel, birra e… salute! marcomayer//Getty Images Incredibili ricette con la verza da provare subito Related Stories Come vestirsi per andare a ballare Pericolo Reggiseno La nuova...