mx.skins mx.skins.halo mx.skins.spark mx.skins.wireframe mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome mx.states mx.styles mx.utils mx.validators org.osmf.containers org.osmf.display org.osmf.elements org.osmf.layout org.osmf.logging org.osmf.metadata org.osmf...
29Nella Barkley, an American who advises companies on work-life balance, says that large firms are beginning to understand the value of such schemes, "but only slowly". For most of them, they still mean little more than child care, health care and flexible working. 30Yet some schemes go ...
假设Students表中有主键SCode列,Score表中有外键SID列,SID引用SCode列来实施引用完整性约束,此时如果使用T-SQL: UPDATE Students SET SCode='001201' WHERE SCode='001201' 来更新Students表的SCode列,可能的运行结果是( )。