We previously reported that Dai-saiko-to (Da-Chai-Hu-Tang), a traditional Japanese kampo medicine, increased LDL receptor mRNA expression in the liver of the hypercholesterolemic rabbits. In this study, we focused on LDL receptor gene expression in a human hepatoma cell line (HepG2) treated...
产品信息 【产品名称】:Honso大柴胡 【产品规格】:42袋/盒 【产品包装】:纸盒包装 【产品产地】:日本(美国销售,美国采购) 【服用方法】:取一小袋,每天3次,适量温水冲服,餐前或在两餐之间,或听从您的医疗保健医生。 产品介绍 大柴胡汤,中医方剂名。为表里双解剂,具有和解少阳,内泻热结之功效。 主治少阳阳明...
Formula Da Chai Hu Tang 大柴胡汤 Please login for the price Description: 200 grams/bottle. English Name: Major Bupleurum Decoction ← Previous Product Next Product → Other fine products Ba Zhen Tang 八珍汤 200 grams/bottle. English Name: Major Bupleurum Decoct... ...
Chai Hu: The principal drug, being bitter and pungent in flavor and slightly cold in nature, clearing away heat through the superficies of the body to relieve exterior syndrome.Huang Qin: Working together with Chai Hu to clear away heat and mediate Shaoyang and expel pathogens in it....
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Da Chengqitang,Da Chaihutang quadruple therapy of syndrome differentiation for treatment of early acute pancreatitis with gastrointestinal heat and liver and gallbladder damp-heat syndrome(AP) and its effect on the serum inflammatory factors. Method: A ...
1) Da Chaihu Decoction syndrome 大柴胡汤证 2) Dachaihutang 大柴胡汤 1. The Protective Effect ofDachaihutangon Atherosclerosis Induced by Fatty Foodstuff in Rats; 大柴胡汤对高脂饮食所致兔动脉粥样硬化的保护作用 2. Research on Mechanism of DaChaiHuTang on Treating Acute Cholecystitis; ...
青笺留香 好好活着,就是上进! 我不差两万学费,就算是12万学费,我也给的起。 但是,我儿子介意。 因为他在蜜雪冰城打过暑假工,一杯蜜雪冰城的利润,不到一元钱,他摇到手臂酸痛,一个月的暑期体验,才赚到1500元。 因为他独自一人出去旅行,去过云南的一个古村,古村里的爷爷奶奶人非常的好,给他很多的...
We investigated the anti-amnesic effects of SJ and fermented SJ (FSJ) on scopolamine (SCO)-induced amnesia mouse model. Mice were orally co-treated with SJ or FSJ (125, 250, and 500 mg/kg) and SCO (1 mg/kg), which was injected intraperitoneally for
Systems pharmacology-based approach for dissecting the addition and subtraction theory of traditional Chinese medicine: An example using Xiao-Chaihu-Decoct... Systems pharmacology-based approach for dissecting the addition and subtraction theory of traditional Chinese medicine: An example using Xiao-Chaihu...
Zhou Shenghong.Thirty Cases of Chronic Cholecystitis Treated by Acupuncture and Oral Adiministration of Da Chai Hu Tang[J]. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine .2008(3)周胜红,朱函亭.Thirty Cases of Chronic Cholecystitis Treated by Acupuncture and Oral Adiministration of Da Chai Hu Tang[J]...