Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese way of curing illness, contains stitch and moxibustion. Scientists believe that acupuncture was invented during the Stone Age. Stitch uses special needles to stab into patients’ acupuncture points while moxibustion ...
The last point of Stomach meridian of Foot-Yangming is( ) A. Lidui(ST 45) B. Guanchong(TE 1) C. Yinbai(SP 1) D. Sanyinjiao(SP 6) 查看完整题目与答案 ( ) of the following belongs to Large Intestine meridian. A. Taiyuan(LU 9) B. Zusanli(ST 36) C. Feishu(BL 13...
The "eye" point is located at the center of the front suce of the ear lobe. A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 Auricular acupuncture should be contraindicated for pregnant women or women who are prone to abortion. A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 Shenmen(TF4) is suita...
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine,which has a long history of more than two thousand years. This technique has been widely recognized as an effective treatment for a variety of diseases,such as neck pain,back pain and waist pain. What’s more,it’s a painless pr...
Chapter 10 Chinese Martial Arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Word and Expressions Martial art 武术 Shadow boxing 太极 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)中医 Chinese herbal medicine (中草药/中药) acupuncture(针灸) dietary/ food therapy(食疗) An Introduction of Martial Arts Chinese martial ...
分析 句 子结构可知,a great Chinese poet 做 Li Bai 的同位语,is 前面是主语从句。比较选项只有 where 符合句意, where 在从句中做地点状语,故选 C 项。 18. 【答案】B 【解题思路】句意:我们如何理解事情与我们所感受的有很大关系。根据句意可知,主语从句缺少方式状语, 因此选择 how。故选 B。 髙...