In this example, #020b0d is the darkest color, while #fbfefe is the lightest one. #020b0d #041a1e #072a2f #093940 #0c4851 #0e5762 #116673 #137584 #168496 #1894a7 #1ba3b8 #1db2c9 #20c1da Shade Color Variation #2dc8e0 #3ecde3 #50d1e5 #61d6e...
In this example, #0b0004 is the darkest color, while #fff7f9 is the lightest one. #0b0004 #1e010a #300211 #430317 #56041e #690424 #7c052b #8f0631 #a10738 #b4073e #c70845 #da094b #ed0a51 Shade Color Variation #f5155c #f62869 #f73b76 #f84d...
* For example: refs/foo/../bar is safe but refs/foo/../../bar * is not. */ buf = xmallocz(restlen); result = !normalize_path_copy(buf, rest) && !strcmp(buf, rest); free(buf); return result; } do { if (!isupper(*refname) && *refname != '_') return ...
Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production. - dify/api/poe
api-example.c ass.c ass.h assdec.c assenc.c asv1.c atrac.c atrac.h atrac1.c atrac1data.h atrac3.c atrac3data.h audio_frame_queue.c audio_frame_queue.h audioconvert.c audioconvert.h aura.c avcodec.h avfft.c avfft.h avpacket.c avs.c bethsoftvideo.c bethsoftvideo...
2051.nurse/nɜːs/ vt. [僻]看护,照料 n. 护士 例:n.护士 Here is an example, which I heard at anurses'convention, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors.下面举个例子,它是我在一次护士大会上...
在77个个体(77/883个[8.7%])和15个家族(15/213个[7%])中观察到最常见的CDH1变体c.2064_2065del。在患有该变体的人群中,癌症的患病率为13%,癌症的发病率为25%。当排除单个个体中鉴定的变体时,CDH1变体c.48 1G>A,一种典型的剪接位点变体,与癌症的最高频率相...
For example, you might want to use the descriptions of all the rules of an association rules model in a custom application. You can use a SELECT FROM <model>.CONTENT statement to return values in the NODE_RULE column of the model. The following table lists the columns that are included ...
从那时起;此后一直 602 every adj.每一;每个的 603 everybody pron.每人;人人 604 everyone pron.每人;人人 605 everything pron.每件事;每 样东西;一切 606 everywhere adv.到处;无论哪 里 607 exactly adv.准确地;严格地 608 exam n.(口语)考试 609 example n.例子;榜样 610 excellent adj.极...
If steps are not made to correct the cause of the warning, there is the risk that an alarm condition may arise, for example if a condition causes the unit to exceed an alarm limit, or temperature. 这些警告没有停止温度控制,给出有关机器的条件,其环境,以及应用程序的重要信息。如果没有采取...