Paul Revere, silversmith, engraver, midnight messenger to the Patriots. Lydia Darragh, nurse, mother of five, Continental army spy. Crispus Attucks, escaped slave, "the first to defy, the first to die." George Washington, father of the country. Deborah Sampson, "the female soldier." From s...
394Senāpati appears to have a more general meaning, ‘leader’ or ‘head,’ in this contex (and elsewhere too in Buddhist literature), rather than the specific sense of ‘army general.’ 395 Note the variant from ava √dhyai‘disapproving, rebuking’. 396 The Tibetan translation adds ‘...
toward the end of the 1970s, following theSowetouprising in 1976, when the police and army killed more than 600 people, many of them children. About 1980 the banned black, green, and gold tricolor flag of the ANC began to be seen inside South Africa, and the country descended into ...
Externally, he serves as Vice President for Publications within the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS), having previously served on the IPS Board of Governors (2018-2020) and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (2012-2017). Until June 202...
and made a decision on temporarily adjusting the application of certain laws during the reform of the national defense mobilization system and a decision on the rank system for active-duty enlisted service members in the People’s Liberation ...
200, 'statusText': '', 'timing': {'connectEnd': -1, 'connectStart': -1, 'dnsEnd': -1, 'dnsStart': -1, 'proxyEnd': -1, 'proxyStart': -1, 'pushEnd': 0, 'pushStart': 0, 'receiveHeadersEnd': 42.415, 'requestTime': 190011.110341, 'sendEnd': 25.713, 'sendStart': 25.609,...
We knew it, and when we climbed out of my rent - a - wreck, splendid in years from the Salvation Army, everybody else knew it, too. We always got the worst table. And then, because I didn't own a credit card, I had to pay in cash. The year turned into two and...
These maps were first published in 1880 by military topographers of the Russian Empire, and were reprinted by military topographers of the Red Army in the 1930-40s after a new survey; 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 (first edition) scale maps of the 1930-40s covering the entire south of ...
The country or regional allegiance might also be included (for example, U.S. Army). Country of Residence (0010,2150) Country where a patient currently resides Region of Residence (0010,2152) Region within patient's country of residence Patient's Telephone Numbers (0010,2154) Telephone numbers ...