(SPK) blendstocks, as described in Annex A1 (FT SPK),Annex A2 (HEFA SPK), Annex A3 (SIP), Annex A4 synthe-sized paraffinic kerosine plus aromatics (SPK/A), Annex A5(ATJ), Annex A6 catalytic hydrothermolysis jet (CHJ), orAnnex A7 (HC-HEFA SPK) with D1655 fuel (which may onthe ...
unique requirements of this specification are no longer applicable: any recertification shall be done in accordance withTable 1 of Specification D1655.1.2.2 Field blending of synthesized paraffinic kerosine (SPK) blendstocks, as described in Annex A1 (FT SPK), Annex A2(HEFA SPK), or Annex A3 (...
(SPK) blendstocks, as described in Annex A1 (FT SPK),Annex A2 (HEFA SPK), Annex A3 (SIP), Annex A4 synthe-sized paraffinic kerosine plus aromatics (SPK/A), Annex A5(ATJ), Annex A6 catalytic hydrothermolysis jet (CHJ), orAnnex A7 (HC-HEFA SPK) with D1655 fuel (which may onthe ...
(SPK) blendstocks, as described in Annex A1 (FT SPK),Annex A2 (HEFA SPK), Annex A3 (SIP), synthesized paraf-f i nic kerosine plus aromatics (SPK/A), or Annex A5 (ATJ) asdescribed in Annex A4 with D1655 fuel (which may on thewhole or in part have originated as D7566 fuel) ...
(SPK) blendstocks, as described in Annex A1 (FT SPK) orAnnex A2 (HEFA SPK) with D1655 fuel (which may on thewhole or in part have originated as D7566 fuel) shall beconsidered batch origination in which case all of the require-ments of Table 1 of this specif i cation (D7566) ...