Complete the Season Journey if you play on the Seasonal realm. Complete Infernal Hordes repeatedly. Have an Elixir & Incenses always active for a 5% XP Bonus from each. Get Renown Points and go for Strongholds. Complete Local Events, marked with an orange circle on the map. Kill Elites and...
This guide details the locations of Diablo 4's unique Elites, which play a role in the Trophy Hunter Challenge and can drop 840 Item Power loot.
() if C_MythicPlus.GetCurrentSeason()~=11 or Save.hideMPortalRoomLabels or MRoomFrame then if MRoomFrame then MRoomFrame:set_evnet() MRoomFrame:set_shown() end return end MRoomFrame= CreateFrame('Frame') function MRoomFrame:set_evnet() MRoomFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() if not Sa...
They are only useful for finding loot or gaining experience. Complete stages 1-3 as soon as possible, as they give a lot of extra power and are relatively easy to complete. Altars of Lilith Renown Rewards Rewards are divided into character rewards and account-wide rewards. Character rewards...