3.2 DQN 与Dueling Network Dueling network 是一篇来自2015年的论文,这篇论文提出了一个新的网络架构,这个架构不但提高了最终效果,而且还可以和其他的算法相结合以获取更加优异的表现。 之前的DQN网络在将图片卷积获取特征之后会输入几个全连接层,经过训练直接输出在该state下各个action的价值也就是Q(s,a)。而Duelin...
Each worker’s travel speed was randomly generated from 10 to 50 km/h, with a reward value set to 1 per unit of travel distance and a maximum travel distance set to 30 km. For each sensing task, the time window started from 0 to 30 and ended at 60 (in minutes). The average user...
在拉萨这家火锅店吃火锅,中途有网红per哥唱歌,还有白色的哈达给我们,扎西德勒。#西藏 #per哥 在拉萨这家火锅店吃火锅,中途有网红per哥唱歌,还有白色的哈达给我们,扎西德勒。#西藏 #per哥 5 为什么说西藏是一个很治愈人的地方呢?因为高原缺氧脑子短路很多事情想不起来就会感到很幸福😍#拉萨 #西藏 #布达拉宫 ...
The UCAV is trained using the dueling double deep Q network algorithm with priority experience replay (PER-D3QN). Furthermore, the trained UCAV decision-making network is utilized to construct a zero-sum Markov game model in air combat. The optimal maneuvering strategy for both UCAVs is ...
Moreover, a Dueling double deep Q network (D3QN) is introduced to solve the MDP in a scalable and model free manner for a suitable sensor scheduling policy of UWSNs and the prioritized experience replaybuffer (PER) is utilized to improve the performance of D3QN. In addition, to ensure ...
Each worker’s travel speed was randomly generated from 10 to 50 km/h, with a reward value set to 1 per unit of travel distance and a maximum travel distance set to 30 km. For each sensing task, the time window started from 0 to 30 and ended at 60 (in minutes). The average user...
Each worker’s travel speed was randomly generated from 10 to 50 km/h, with a reward value set to 1 per unit of travel distance and a maximum travel distance set to 30 km. For each sensing task, the time window started from 0 to 30 and ended at 60 (in minutes). The average user...