Nikon D3000 “The D3000 is the worst DSLR ever made by Nikon. Not that it’s that horrible on an absolute scale…” And so, we present to youKenRockwell‘s review of theNikon D3000[Specs], an entry-level Family digital SLR camera with 10.2MP (23.6 x 15.8 mm CMOS), PASM, Guide Mod...
many cameras had rather "optimistic" flash range specs, to put it politely. These days, the manufacturers seem to be toeing the line. (No doubt at least in part because of tests like this.) Consistent with our philosophy of testing worst-case conditions, this test also involves some ...
Rear, Nikon D3000. enlarge.Top, Nikon D3000. enlarge. Specifications topIntro Specs Guide Mode Performance RecommendationsI personally suggest Adorama, Amazon, Ritz, B&H, Calumet and J&R. I can't vouch for ads below.FinderSmall, light pentamirror. Same as the D40. ...