在“设定菜单”中选择“重设所有设定”,确认后相机将恢复出 厂设置。 尼康(Nikon)D3000使用说明书 一、相机概述 尼康D3000是一款入门级单反相机,凭借其卓越的成像性能和简 易的操作界面,深受摄影爱好者的喜爱。本说明书将为您详细介绍尼 康D3000的各项功能及操作方法,帮助您迅速掌握这款相机的使用技 巧。 二、相机...
1、PENTAX K-單眼反光式數位相機 相機型式 內置自動彈岀式P-TTL閃光燈,TTL自動對焦、自動曝光的單眼數位相機 有效畫素 約1240萬畫素 感光元件 總像數約1290 萬畫素,含原色濾光鏡的 CMOS , (23.6mm x15.8mm) 儲存尺寸 靜態 12M (JPEG : 4288 X 2848 畫素 RAW : 4288 X 2848 畫素)、10M (JPEG :...
《Nikon D3000 For Dummies》是2009年John Wiley & Sons出版的图书,作者是Julie Adair King。内容简介 Like previous For Dummies books on Nikon cameras, this book assumes no prior dSLR experience as it helps readers take control of their camera. Parts include:Fast Track to Super Snaps - a tour of...
尼康(Nikon) D3000套机(18-55mm VR) [参考价格] 2899元(送包和8G卡) [联系方式] 迅雷数码(中关村科贸写字楼11层1115A室 010-57118993/57118995 18610090656 韩先生) [报价查询]数码相机产品报价尼康(Nikon)数码相机产品报价 [泡泡评测]·最强"草根"单反机 小编试用尼康D3000 ...
The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice. Share
《Nikon D3000》是2009年12月出版的图书,作者是Sparks, Jon。内容简介 "The Expanded Guides" are much more than just user guides and they cover all the capabilities of each camera! Written by experts and with worked examples, they are jargon free, full-colour and inclusive. This title covers ...
Nikon D3000 一眼レフ ダブルズームキット porter とコラボした専用カメラバッグもつけます。 ストラップもブルーのレザーのものに変えてます。 仕事で室内で使用していました。 使用回数も多くありません。 CAMERA TECHNOLOGY: SLR HDMI端子数(新): 0 SDカード対応種類: SDHCカー...
There is a temptation amongst those of us that shoot with and test DSLRs for a living to be more than a little dismissive about entry-level cameras like the Nikon D3000. However, first-time DSLR buyers are enormously important to camera manufacturers, and the competition amongst them for a ...
Nikon尼康D3000 使用手册.PDF,CHAPTER 1 Exploring the Nikon D3000 L This chapter covers the key components of the Nikon D3000. These are the fea- tures that are most readily accessible because they are situated on the outside of A I the camera: the buttons