datasets.FashionMNIST(root="D:/d2l-data/", train=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=False) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="D:/d2l-data/", train=False, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=False) # 这里有个坑 如果线程数num_workers设置大于0会报错 An ...
[MXNet逐梦之旅]练习三·使用MXNetFashionMNIST数据集分类手动实现 code #%% import sys import time from mxnet import gluon as gl import mxnet as mx from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mxnet import autograd, nd import numpy as np mnist_train = 小宋是呢 2019...
Charts that are subclasses of the CartesianChart class let you mix different data series in the same chart control. You can create a column chart with a trend line running through it or mix any data series with any other similar series. The following chart tracks two stocks, one represented ...
class FashionMNIST(d2l.DataModule): """Defined in :numref:`sec_fashion_mnist`""" @@ -531,6 +546,12 @@ def loss(self, params, X, Y, averaged=True): fn = optax.softmax_cross_entropy_with_integer_labels return fn(Y_hat, Y).mean() if averaged else fn(Y_hat, Y) def layer_...
我们将获取并读取Fashion-MNIST数据集的逻辑封装在d2ltorch.load_data_fashion_mnist函数中供后面章节调用。该函数将返回train_iter和test_iter两个变量。随着本书内容的不断深入,我们会进一步改进该函数。它的完整实现将在“深度卷积神经网络(AlexNet)”一节中描述。 最后我们查看读取一遍训练数据需要的时间。 start =...
Mr. Frog learned a basic data structure recently, which is called stack.There are some basic operations of stack: ∙ ∙ PUSH x: put x on the top of the stack, x must be 0 or 1. ∙ ∙ POP: throw the element which is on the top of the stack. ...