The database below contains only Open Game Content. In the vast majority of cases nothing needed to be changed but in a few cases, a name or reference to a character from the official Pathfinder Campaign Setting may have been renamed, or had the name removed to make the spell, item, ...
Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store The Bardess' Library #6 Publishing Complete Collection The Bardess' Library #5 Legendary Bestiary: SWARMS (PF1) Speak with Animals - Aberration Companions I Patreon Supporters
Please read the privacy statement of these social networks (which can change regularly) to read what they do with your (personal) data which they process using these cookies. The data that is retrieved is anonymized as much as possible. Twitter is located in the United States. 3. Placed coo...
* Compatible with the Pathfinder (tm) Roleplaying System, with an option to switch skills lists between d20 and PFRPG. * Import an image for your character from any downloaded pic. * Multi-line entry system that scrolls down to give a larger entry window. * Pop-up equipment, spells, ...
其次,借助CiteSpace 6.2软件转换数据,设置相关参数,具体包括:最小时间切片(Year per slice)设置为1年;主题聚类词来源(Term source)选择标题、摘要、作者关键词与关键词累加;修剪算法(Pruning)设置为“Pathfinder”“Pruning sliced networks”。最后,进行关键词分析,...
Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Finder’s Archives. In this column, we take some of the lands from Magic: The Gathering and turn them into something you can use for your fantasy games. The stats given in each entry assumes that you’re using Pathfinder or 5e for your games, but...
Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, Pathfinder Treasure Vault Pathfinder Adventure Path #149: Against the Triad Pathfinder Adventure Path #150: Broken Promises Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults Pathfinder Adventure: A Fistful of Flowers Pathfinder Book of the Dead Pathfinder Dark Archive...
Pathfinder’s Coin 2 30 gp — Wondrous Figurine (Onyx Dog) 2 34 gp — Thurible of Revelation (Lesser) 3 55 gp — Maestro’s Instrument (Lesser) 3 60 gp — Bag of Holding (Type I) 4 75 gp — Skeleton Key 5 125 gp — Holy Prayer Beads 5 160 gp — Traveler’s Any-Tool 6 20...
BDMPathfinder: a tool for exploring attack paths in models defined by Boolean logic Driven Markov Processes adversaries' technical abilities, tool adequacy, quickness to devise vulnerability exploits, or countermeasures or defences in place in targeted infrastructures. ... R Czekster,C Morisset - IEEE...
Item Oil Coolant Pump Type Immersion HP 1/8 Phase 3 Amps 0.50/0.25 Voltage 230/460 Length (In.) 12-1/4 Width (In.) 5-3/16 Height (In.) 12-1/4 Bolt Circle Dia. (In.) 2 at 5.2 and 2 at 5.28 Inlet/Outlet (In.) 3/8 ...