markanewrunofcompletelyindependentadventures. Ifyouhaveanyideasforfutureissuesorwanttocomment onwhatyoureadhere,pleasefeelfreetodropbyourforums at12tomidnight. PineboxProfile Requirestheuseofthed20ModernRoleplaying Game,publishedbyWizardsoftheCoast,Inc. Contributors: Jerry.Blakemore Craig.largent*Ed.Wetter...
In the RPG, your characters exist during the time that Geralt lived, the 3rd Nilfgaardian War. That world is ready-made for RPG adventures as, generally speaking, Witchers are professional monster hunters who are both needed and reviled. You’ll be able to take contracts hunting monsters, ...
FantasyAGE,ModernAGE, andThe Expanse. That alone tells you how robust the system is with the fact that it can support all of these different games. At its core, it’s a love letter to old school gaming. Character progression is simple and dice rolls are ...
it’s a bigger sandbox for adventures thanALIENwhich needs xenomorphs to feel likeALIEN, yet can’t be awash in them because they are so deadly. That said, of the two, mechanicallyALIENis more refined and realized.ALIEN’Suse of Stress Dice offers gameplay that feeds the feel of the franch...