Adds recipe health potion + socketable weapon => debugging weapon. General idea is to hand-edit the cubemain.txt file to add the property you are trying to debug, create and test it. EnterToExit bool If this is true, this will require the user to press enter to close the program If ...
Vendor-LVL : Vendor level. In normal difficulty, vendor-lvl has a limit fixed in weapon.txt and armor.txt in the vendors columns. In nightmare and hell difficulty, Vendor-LVL=CLVL+5. At CLVL=93, only Hell Nihlathak drops such high ilvls, at CLVL=94, you can't get an item with...
合成公式Cubemain.txtCubemod.txt 相关参考文件ItemStatCost.txtProperties.txtOverlay.txt 需要说明的是,以上的分类并不是绝对的类别区分,在修改时往往需要注意与其它文件的关联影响 并且需要查看其它一些相关文件如Properties.txt,Overlay.txt,ItemStatCost.txt等等,这些你可以自己在patch_d2.mpq和d2data.mpq,d2exp.mpq...