Adds recipe (item + quiver) to unsocket an item, returning both the item and everything from its sockets. PropDebug bool Adds recipe health potion + socketable weapon => debugging weapon. General idea is to hand-edit the cubemain.txt file to add the property you are trying to debug, cr...
(你可以到itemtypes.txt文件中的MaxSock参数下确定孔的数量,一般所采用的数值为1/25/40)。 gemsockets: 物品所允许的最大孔数。 gemapplytype: 宝石类物品所产生的影响;0=武器;1=装备/头盔;2=防具。 flippyfile: 掉落时所采用的影象。 invfile: 物品栏中所采用的影象。 uniqueinvfile: 独有物品所采用的...