The variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTR) locus D1S80 , located on chromosome 1 (1p35-36), has a repeat unit 16bp in length, and different numbers of these repeat units have been observed for populations of different origins and ethnicity. We used a molecular identification method based...
C原理中我们指出人类1号染色体上的VNTRD1S80,核心序列由16个核苷酸组成,拷贝数在14~41个之间,已知29种不同的等位基因。但是我们的实验结果里D的拷贝数为13,却小于14,由于两者比较接近所以将D的拷贝数应该认为是14,而出现这种偏差的原因可能在于:a marker标准的分子量我们是用的周五晚上组的图估算出来的(如图3),...
DNA指纹是以DNA的多态性为基础,而卫星DNA的发现则是其最重要的奠基石。卫星DNA是由一短序列(即重复单位或核心序列)多次重复而成,因此也有人称其为可变数目串联重复序列(variable numbers of tandem reprat,VNTR),在人类基因组中存在多种由不同重复单位组成的卫星DNA,重复单位的碱基序列在不同个体中具有高度的保守...
PCR-amplification and detection of the human D1S80 VNTR locus A series of experiments has been performed to evaluate amplification and typing of the D1S80 VNTR locus. The validation study that has been carried out sho... AD Kloosterman,BP Daselaar - 《International Journal of Legal Medicine》...
The amplification of the D1S80 locus, a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) locus, by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), (Saiki et al, 1985) is an effective tool to forensic analysis (Budowle et al, 1995).doi:10.1007/978-3-642-80029-0_190Santos, S. M....
Objective:To obtain the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of D1S80 VNTR Locus in Zhuang ethnic group in Guangxi.Methods:300 unrelated individuals in Zhuang were analyzed by PCR and PAGE following silver staining and amplified fragment length polymorphism.Results:23 alleles and 74 genotypes...
Kasai K, Nakamura Y, White R (1990) Amplification of Variable Number of Tandem Repeats (VNTR) Locus (pMCT 118) by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Its Application to Forensic Science. J For Sci, 35: 1196–1200 Nakamura Y, Carlson M, Krapcho K, White R (1988) Isolation and ...
The general structure of the D1S80 locus is that of a monomeric type VNTR consisting of four 5′ repeat units (A-B-C-D) and seven 3′ repeat units (H-I-J-I-I-L-G) that are constant (motifs), with variable number of repeats in between. These two motifs are essentially identical ...
A population study on the VNTR locus D1S80 was carried out in a sample of 377 unrelated Japanese individuals living in and around Gifu Prefecture (central region of Japan). A total of 29 different alleles was distinguished. Alleles 18, 24 and 30 were found to be the 3 most common alleles...