热度: 中国木糖吸收测试行业市场规模调研及投资前景研究分析报告市场调研在线 热度: 相关推荐 D-木糖小肠吸收试验(D-xylose absorption test),D-木糖小肠吸收试验(D-xylose absorption test)小肠,木糖,试验,test,test,test,D木糖,小肠吸收,吸收试验,Test,小肠,木糖,试验,test,D木糖,小肠吸收,吸收试验,Test相关...
D-木糖小肠吸收试验(D-xylose absorption test) D-木糖是右旋戊醛糖,分子式C 5H 10O 5,分子量15013。服人一定量的D-木糖后测定血及尿中D-木糖的浓度,用以评价小肠的吸收能力。木糖主要在空肠吸收,肾小管不重吸收,所以迅速排入尿中。D-木糖与L-木糖在小肠中以不同速率吸收,推测除被动扩散作用外,可能还有...
D-xylose test: Blood vs. urinedoi:10.1016/0016-5085(79)90377-9Sonia BaurGastroenterology
检测波长:340nm; 反应时间:30min; 检测限:2.96mg/L; 适用样品:发酵液、植物原料和多聚糖产物中的木糖的分析; 方法认证:新方法 商品说明: The D-Xylose test kit is a novel method for the specific, convenient and rapid measurement and analysis of D-xylose in plant extracts, culture media/supernatants...
检测方法:紫外分光光度法 检测波长:340nm; 反应时间:30min; 检测限:2.96mg/L; 适用样品:发酵液、植物原料和多聚糖产物中的木糖的分析; 方法认证:新方法 商品说明: The D-Xylose test kit is a novel method for the specific, convenient and rapid measurement and analysis of D-xylose in plant extracts...
1) D-xylose absorption test D-木糖吸收试验 1. O bjective:To investigate the effectiveness ofD-xylose absorption testin evaluating the ab-sorptive capacity of the remnant small bowel in short bowel patients. 目的:总结D-木糖吸收试验在评价短肠综合征病人残存小肠表面积和吸收功能中的作用。
必应词典为您提供D-xylose-tolerance-test的释义,网络释义: D-木糖耐量试验;D-木糖吸收试验;
网络D-木糖吸收试验;D-木醣吸收试验;D-木糖耐量试验 网络释义 1. D-木糖吸收试验 糖及其代谢产物_参考值及临床意义... ... 丙型肝炎( HCV)D-木糖吸收试验(D-xylose absorption test) 丙酮酸( pyruvic acid ) ... med.39.net|基于4个网页
DNA酶实验琼脂,带甲基绿|DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green 含甲苯胺蓝DNA酶实验琼脂|DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue 孟加拉红氯霉素琼脂|DRBC Agar (Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol) D-山梨醇|D-Sorbitol Sorbite Dubos肉汤基础|Dubos Broth Base ...
1) urine D-xylose test 尿D-木糖试验 2) urinary D-xylose 尿D-木糖 1. The clinical efficacy was observed,routine scatologic analysis,scatologic cultivation,rotavirus antigen andurinary D-xylosecontent were detected. 方法随机选择300例患儿分为两组进行临床观察,即治疗组150例口服中药运脾止泻颗粒、对照...