Username:admin Password:admin If this doesn't work then it most likely means that the password has been changed. In that case you should enter your own password but leave the username as admin. And if you can't remember your password you may reset the modem/rou...
方法/步骤 1 我拿到路由器我看都没看就直接链接上用传统的方法在浏览器输入192.168.1.1提示错误,我就换成192.168.0.1就进去了,国内的用户名跟密码一般都是amdin,但这个不是我就看了一下路由器底下说明是Username:admin Password:(leave the field blank) 密码输了老半天还是不对,在网上查了一下说这句...
2. Enter your router's username and password details: Every router requires a username and password before you can access the interface. In many cases the default username is "admin" and the password is "admin" or "password". Of course this varies from model to model, so you should...
拿到路由器在浏览器输入192.168.0.1,国内的用户名跟密码一般都是amdin,但这个不是,路由器底下说明是Username:admin Password:(leave the field blank) 密码是空。所有直接输入用户就可以进入设置界面了。进入界面之后是全英文的,首选点击setup(设置)再点击左侧导航栏中的INTERNET,然后再点击第一个...
让Username和Password框为空,在Username和Password框中按回车键,您将看到主菜单: 主菜单界面 1:用户账户管理 要建立一个新用户帐户,从主菜单中选中User Accounts Management后按Enter键: 从主菜单中选中User Accounts Management后按Enter键,Setup User Accounts窗口即出现。 1.用空格键将Action:< >转换到<Add> --...
#create accountadmin/user<username>admin/user是用户类型 Enter a case-sensitive new password:*** Enter the new password again for confirmation:*** Success. #delete account <username> #show account 1、配置交换机默认IP地址和所属VLAN config ipif System ipaddress vlan V30 2、配置...
provided in the D-Link user manual. Most D-Link devices use the default gateway The username, by default, is admin and leave the password field blank. Once you have successfully logged into the device, look on the left hand side for the Network Settings icon.
Username: Password: 交换机配置说明 1、把交换机的控制口和PC机的串口相连,通过超级终端进入交换机的配置界面,如下图: ■舟:SC f*lull 打开交换机电源,自检后出现下面的登陆画面,按二次回车键进入主菜单, Layer3Switch DGS-3308GigabitEthernetSwitchConsoleManagementCopyright2000-2002D-Link Corporation DISCONNECT ...
Press Enter in both the Username and Password fields. You will be given access to the command prompt DES-3028G:4# shown below: There is no initial username or password. Leave the Username and Password fields blank. DES-3028G Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 2.00....
D-Link交换机通用配置手册参考.pdf,UPD-LINK SWITCH 通用配置手册 0、设置管理员帐户 #create accountadmin/user username admin/user 是用户类型 Enter a case-sensitive new password:*** Enter the new password again for confirmation:*** Success. #delete account us